Training – Essentials in UX and HCD Management

This training introduces you to the world of usability and user experience with particular focus on the four pillars of usability: analysis, user requirements, design, and evaluation.

This two-day training requires no special prerequisites. It is intended for people who want a quick introduction to the UX field, for example product owners, designers, developers, marketing people, and other stakeholders. It is also relevant for UX professionals who want to check or prove their knowledge.

The training is based on UXQB’s recognized CPUX-F curriculum.

Optional, independent CPUX-F certification is available from Certible and other certification providers. The CPUX-F certification costs approximately 300€.

I offer this training as public training or as in-house training. Contact me for details.

If you are asked “Do you speak usability?” and you have a CPUX-F certificate, you can confidently answer, “Yes!”


Two versions of this training are available:

  • A two-day training
  • A half-day crash course

Both versions of the training cover all 125 terms in UXQB’s CPUX-F curriculum. Key terms like usability, user experience, interview, user requirement, prototype, and usability test are covered in some detail with definitions and examples. Throughout the training, participants can check their understanding through quick quiz questions and exercises.

Both versions of the training prepare students for the optional CPUX-F certification exam. If you take the crash course, I strongly recommend some additional study before the certification exam.

In the two-day course, about 50% of the time is spent on exercises. The crash course does not include exercises; it includes a mock-exam with 18 new quiz questions.

UXQB is the International Usability and User Experience Qualification Board
CPUX means Certified Professional for User Experience

The interdependence of human-centered design activities according to the ISO 9241-210 standard and the CPUX-F Curriculum. Understanding this diagram is a key part of the CPUX-F training

Advantages offered by my trainings

Many good people and organizations offer CPUX-F training. Some of the advantages that my trainings offer you are:

  • Exercises. About 50% spent on exercises in the two-day training.
  • Test your understanding. About 30 quiz questions throughout the training to help you check and increase your understanding of the concepts. These quiz questions are specially developed for my training; they are not generally available.
  • Experience. I have conducted this training at least 30 times, and I keep improving it based on student feedback. I have worked actively as a UX professional for almost 40 years.
  • Experience. I am one of the authors of the CPUX-F curriculum. I am internationally recognized for my achievements in the usability test area.
  • Evaluations. On a scale from 1 to 5, most students rate the statement, “The training was worth my time,” 4 or 5.
  • Recognized Training Provider. DialogDesign is a Recognized Training Provider. I am an accredited CPUX-F trainer.

CPUX-F certification

To obtain the CPUX-F certificate, you must score at least 70% when answering 40 multiple-choice questions within 75 minutes. Each question has six possible answers of which 1, 2 or 3 are correct. The correct number of answers is clearly indicated for each question. If the exam language is not your native language, you have 90 minutes (rather than 75 minutes) to answer the questions. A complete set of 40 sample exam questions is freely available.

 The following figure shows an example of a CPUX-F exam question.

An example of a CPUX-F exam question. The correct answer is E.

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